Understanding Your Rosacea Triggers

With rosacea being an incredibly common condition, it’s still something that isn’t properly understood. It mainly affects women between the ages of 40 and 60 and is less common in men, but when are affected, they tend to experience it more severely. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for rosacea at present, but there are certain treatments and triggers to look out for that can help and create damage control. View the Cedars Dermatology exploration of symptoms and triggers and understand what rosacea treatments are available on Harley Street. 

Understanding your symptoms

The symptoms of rosacea are fairly experienced worldwide, especially with people who have fair skin. The symptoms are as follows:

– Burning sensation within the affected skin

– Redness and flushing

– Spots

– Blood vessels becoming visible in the skin

Understanding the rosacea triggers

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition which will flare up from time to time with the flare ups appearing to be sporadic, but there are certainly common contributors to these flare ups that help manage their severity and frequency.

UV Exposure and sunlight are widely thought to contribute to rosacea flare ups. Exposure to the sun can lead to further blood vessel dilation, making the small veins in the face more visible, and inflame the sensitive skin. Broad spectrum sun protection is widely recommended for those with rosacea as it will help curb these flushes.

Skincare products are known to trigger rosacea flare ups because the skin is very sensitive. Avoiding products that use large volumes of alcohol such like perfume / fragrances. Lactic acid will help lesson your chances of inflammation, so it’s recommended to speak to your dermatologist about fragrances free products.

Certain medications for example that are used to treat high blood pressure will open the blood vessels which can trigger rosacea flare ups. Topical steroid creams may also aggravate rosacea symptoms, so it’s important to disclose any medication to your dermatologist so we can identify any trends or patterns on your inflammation.

Rosacea treatments

There are some treatments that can help limit and control the severity of rosacea such as oral medications that come in tablet or capsule form that can help clear up more severe spots such as oral antibiotics. Other treatments such as creams and gels are available by directly applying them to the affected area to reduce your spots and redness and trying to refrain from known triggers will help ease the process.

Contact us to find out about rosacea triggers!

We understand this can be frustrating and affect you on a daily rate. However, with careful management plans and treatment, we believe we can assist you in helping you take control of your rosacea. Book your initial consultation with us here at Cedars Dermatology on Harley Street today.