What Can You Expect Before, During and After Mole Removal?
Mole removal treatment is an important decision many people have to make. Though some decide on treatment for aesthetic reasons, others might be trying to minimise the risks of developing things like skin cancer. That’s because, although cancer-causing moles are rare, they can develop into melanoma – the most serious type of cancer.
Today, our Marylebone experts explain what you can expect before, during and after mole removal treatment, so you can make the best decision for you. Our Harley Street dermatologists use their experience and expertise to carry out this treatment and will be on hand to answer your questions and concerns throughout.
Why should I have moles removed?
Before we begin, let’s explore some reasons why people seek mole removal treatment here on Harley Street. Having one or more prominent moles can affect people’s self-confidence – so a common reason for removal is cosmetics. And, moles can appear anywhere on the body. They might be in an area that rubs against your clothes or another body part, causing discomfort. Finally, it might be a risk of cancer or the possibility that a mole needs to be checked. All of these reasons are equally valid and our patients here in Harley Street could have one or more of them behind their decision for treatment.
Before your treatment
The first stage of your mole removal treatment is to examine your skin and document where the mole is, and what its condition looks like. Then it’s over to prepping your skin. It will be cleaned with an alcohol pad and injected with a local anaesthetic to prevent sensation during the procedure. It might feel a little uncomfortable to have the injection, but this should pass quickly, and you shouldn’t feel any pain during the removal itself.
During your treatment
Using a medical instrument like a scalpel, your expert dermatologist will carefully cut away the mole and any excess tissue in the area if needed. The time a mole removal takes does vary between people; sizes and placement of your mole(s); number of moles and other factors. In areas where a large mole was removed, you may need some stitches to close the wound and help repair the skin.

Different Mole Removal Methods
After your mole removal treatment
Following your mole removal treatment here in Harley Street, you’ll be given detailed aftercare to ensure your skin heals properly and risks like infection are minimal. You’ll be advised not to touch or scratch the area; not to pick at any scabbing; to clean stitches if needed; and even to ease your exercise routine. If you’re having the mole biopsied (examined), you’ll have a follow-up call or appointment to discuss your results. Finally, it’s worth knowing that scarring may develop afterwards depending on the size of your mole(s). However, avoiding touching, scratching, picking and tugging at the treated area can help prevent this.
Begin your mole removal treatment today!
Book your consultation here or fill out our contact form at our Dermatology Clinic in Harley Street!